Oct 22, 2008

Thankful Thursday

It’s Thursday again need time to reflect and be thankful for all the graces that poured upon me and to my family and friends. Here's my list, I thankful to God ......

1. For the gift of life, that I wake up each day and ready to face a new chapter of my life.

2. For all the babies born to our friends and family this past few months that brings joy to their parents and relatives.

3.For all my close friends and online friends who bring so much happiness when talking to them .

3. For this blog things, exchange views with blog friends and creating entries for my weekly meme has never been so fun.

4. My sisters and brothers (with their kids) whom I can see through the webcam give so much happiness when I chatting with them.

5. For the difficult times since my mother passed away, I find solace from the words of God and keeping my faith that she’ll be in peace with our Creator.

6. For the successful meeting of our class (with my classmates) with the administration of our cooking school who in somehow have given us the chance to voice out our feelings with regards to their school policies.

See more thankful hearts on Iris site.


eph2810 said...

I am so sorry for your loss. I am glad that you are able to find comfort the in the Word of God.

Yes, children are a blessings and they bring much joy.

Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us.

Blessings to you and yours...

Denise said...

I am sorry that you lost your dear mother sweetie. Praying for you to be comforted.

Laurie Ann said...

I'm so sorry for the loss of your mother. I cannot imagine! Please know I"m praying for you. I loved reading the blessings from your thankful heart. Happy Thankful Thursday to you!

Unknown said...

I too am sorry for your loss and praise God that He alone is the great comforter. I thank God that His word never returns void and will always lead us to the path of rest, restoration and hope!

Thank you for sharing your list with us today!

Blessings and hugs,


I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. I lost both of my grandmothers this year. Some days are pretty tough and I still cry, but I find great comfort in knowing that they are with Jesus. I can only imagine the joy they experienced with they saw His face and touched his hands. We'll see them again some sweet day, my dear!


To all:

"thank you so much for all the comforting words you've said may God bless you all!"

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