Sep 24, 2007

Manic Monday

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Theme for today is all about "kit", i chose my husband's aircraft snap on tool kit.


Unknown said...

Great MM post!

I had a rough time figuring this one out, but, my MM post is up and running now.

peace, Villager

Jersey - The Furry Diva said...

My hooman daddy wouldn´t mind to own this kind of kit, either =)

Welcome to MM!

Lisa Ryan said...

Is your husband building a plane. If so, way cool! No, I don't mind if you tag me. :-)


nice entry you remind me of my hub's work kits that after he use it, all of them are scattered around the house and so to teach him a lesson I just hide them. lol!

Durward Discussion said...

Now that is a kit to warm the cockles of any man's heart.

Unknown said...

WOW - looks like the perfect kit to make a hubby happy *LOL*

Thanks for the tag - this one will be fun!

the Book of Keira said...

Tool kit! Excellent! I bought my hubby one for Christmas one year and threw a few tools in it but it's still alarmingly empty (much to his dismay)...LOL.

Ingrid said...

Thanks to MM I become a specialist of existing kits, lol ! I never imagined that there are so many !

Mo and The Purries said...

snap on rocks
and yes, I really am referring to the tool kit!
Thanks for participating in Manic Mondays!
manic mo


cool!! My husband would love one of those!! Have a great Monday.

Sarge Charlie said...

You cannot beat SNAP ON........

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

tool kit, great!

smiles, bee

Desert Songbird said...

Hubby would love all those tools.

Maggie Moo said...

Good one!!!

Lizza said...

Wow, that kit looks really complicated. And I thought the Tamiya kits were hard to do!

Mary said...

WOW, that's a lotta tools! happy MM!

Linda said...

Now that's the kind of kit I bet a lot of men would like to get their hands on!

Thanks for your visit, have a great day.

Sandee said...

Well, my husband has several of these in the garage and I never even thought of them. Have a great MM. :)


Looks like every man's dream.

Thanks for stopping by.


cool kit! didn't get to participate this week ... next time, I will! :)

Ian said...

*urh urh urh urh urh*

(Tim Allen grunts)


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