Aug 17, 2007


2 spoon of oil
3 pcs garlic, chopped
1 pc onion, chopped
1 cup of ground pork
3 pcs tomatoes, chopped
3 cups of pork stock or water
3 pcs medium size potatoes, cubed chop
salt and pepper
In a pan or saucepan heat the oil, cook over a medium heat the onion, garlic and tomatoes and stir through. Add the ground pork and cook. Pour the stock and simmer for 5 minutes. Pour the potatoes and heat through. Add salt and pepper to taste.

I am not a good cook but preparing meal for my family makes me a better one (as my hubby says). My mother in law use to cook for us but she's out of town for a few weeks. Now i'm oblige again to cook for them but really i'm enjoying it.
Picadillo, the first time i heard that word i thought of a star in an action movie because it sounds like his name in the film. Anyway either a movie or a food picadillo is so good.chow

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